May 5th, 2008
IMAP Migration
Migration from V240 w/ 1xRAID5 to T2000 w/ 2xRAID10
9:45pm -- NEW SERVER IS IN PRODUCTION!!! Please test away! If you can no longer use email, I would appreciate waiting until morning, but please call my cell if an emergency. Webmail is tested as working, and I've tested a few of the standard IMAP clients as well. New messages are showing up and it seems pretty snappy. Load times are about the same, and we'll see how that scales as more users use the system, but manipulation of the folder once opened is quite fast!
9:38pm -- SMTP flowing - IMAP folders updating as expected! IMAP still disabled for testing...
9:30pm -- SPAM checking works! Enabling SMTP flow...
9:15pm -- SMTP pathway works! Testing SPAM checking...
9:05pm -- Rudimentary testing shows new server is working as expected! Testing SMTP pathway...
8:45pm -- New RAID filesystem built, small local filesystem clone initiated. Will be ready for basic functional testing very soon.
7:45pm -- ALL IMAP Folders are synced over to the new IMAP server. There are two copies of this data now on two different servers to mitigate risk of a mistake. RAID group of OLD IMAP server now destroyed. Building new higher-performance disk group using old disks.
7:05pm -- IMAP Server Migration has just begun. New mail messages are queueing on smtp, and IMAP services are now terminated.